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Jennifer K. Sweeney

Effacement 1, “Go down gently.”

Materials: Amy Vanderbilt Complete Book of Etiquette, working pattern for double ring quilt, pits of sapsucker in a willow stem, cross-section of rugose corals, banded minerals.

Effacement 2, “Be frank.”

Materials: Amy Vanderbilt Complete Book of Etiquette, Women’s Day 1952, tracks of junco in snow, penstemon.

Effacement 5, “Pilgrimage.”

Materials: Amy Vanderbilt Complete Book of Etiquette index, Women’s Day 1952, U.S. Camera 1959, Prell hair, vintage perfume bottles, passeriformes plate, Plate 26. Phenomena of Clouds and Light.


Jennifer K. Sweeney is the author of four poetry collections: Foxlogic, Fireweed (Backwaters Press/Univ. of Nebraska), Little Spells (New Issues Press), How to Live on Bread and Music, which received the James Laughlin Award, the Perugia Press Prize and a nomination for the Poets’ Prize, and Salt Memory. The recipient of a Pushcart Prize, her poems have appeared widely in journals, including American Poetry Review, The Awl, Mid-American Review, New American Writing, Terrain, Tupelo Quarterly, and Verse Daily.

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