an egg memory: the opposite of time is the sacred
we live in a disruption of signals, but
living in a pile of love is easy
all of life becomes a horde of ladybugs living eternally in a watering can
living in a pile of love disrupts the signals
hoarding the holy ladybugs, where is your watering can?
the holy signals disrupt the wait
the opposite of the sacred is also the opposite of love
the ladybugs in the watering can are signals
the spotted waist is where we wait
under the larvae spots are sentinels of sentiments
oozing yellow out of the knees, not poisonous
but it smells bad, and my uncle chicken says everyday is a heartache
little girls think we are funny (not ha, ha, but notable as in “funny how things work out”)
it is funny how a stinky yellow oozes out of our knees
a one-armed man who fished gave the ladybugs a sacagawea coin
the centennials of sentiment include what is funny
yellow ooze covers heartaches and coins
the centennials of sentiments under their spots contain heartaches
it is funny how things work out, oozing yellow out of the knees, having heartaches
rescuing pupae is worthy, but little girls still laugh
truth is always hiding in a round of applause
(not the ha, ha funny, but the slightly ill as in “my stomach felt funny”)
the little girls’ appendages remain unrendered
it is funny that the truth is, we are bugs, not ladies, ladycows, ladyflies, or ladybirds
each spot is a suffering of the virgin mary
because we congregated laughing we didn’t need to be saved or rendered
a worthy round of applause from little girls, uncle chicken tried to rescue us
little girls still laugh, becoming ladybugs
the opposite of time is the scarred memory
Lily Rose Kosmicki is a person, but sometimes feels like an alien in this world. She suspects she frequently experiences a form of hypergraphia and/or graphomania and she is obsessed with language and the body. She is working on translating years and years of notebooks into poetry, makes cut-up collage poem-paintings, and illustrates creatures with accompanying poems that are (sort-of) for children. By trade she is a librarian at the public library and by night she is a collector of dreams. Her zine Dream Zine recently won a Broken Pencil Zine Award for Best Art Zine 2018.