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Juan Diego Marrufo

When I was younger, I was playing outside of my house and it was a nice day with a few clouds here and there. So when I was playing, I had a bouncy ball that I was playing with. While I was playing with it, The ball went with the wind and it happened to go across the street in my neighbor's yard. My mom was vacuuming the car with a shop vac and then I ran for my ball while she was doing that. Then while I was running, I happened to look up and there was a big dog chained up to the porch. So while I was walking slowly to my ball, I didn't think the big dog could reach that far out in the yard. When I bent down to grab my ball, I couldn't get my head up because the dog already had me by my head. At the moment, I couldn't get him to let go because was too small. I screamed as loud as I can and my mom must've heard me through the vacuum running. She looked around and seen me and she grabbed a broomstick and whacked the dog on top of his head. He released me and when my mom ran back to the house, there was blood dripping down from my head. My mom wrapped a towel on my head and called the ambulance. They came and took a look at the bite marks and gave me stitches. My mom wanted to put the dog down for biting me on the head but the owner tried to hide the dog from the cops. The dog was alive since I was 14, then it finally died.


Juan Diego Marrufo, From Kyle South Dakota. Has lived there since he was born, but he actually was born In Rapid City. He happens to have three other siblings that live with him. He attends school at Little Wound School, It’s on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and the school capacity is 2,500. The school is named after Chief Little Wound, he was one of the head leaders in the Oglala Sioux Tribe. The school has been here for over 60 years and will probably be here for another 20 or so. Juan has been going to school here since he was Kindergarten and hopefully to continue to keep attending school there until Senior year!

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